01372 276499
Woodstock House, Woodstock Lane North, Long Ditton, Surrey KT6 5HN
Teaching students to Stand Out

The experience children gain here and the skills they learn help them stand out from the crowd

Intuitive Thinking

The experiences pupils gain and the skills they learn can help them stand out from the crowd and be successful in university, college, apprenticeship and employment applications.

of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an invaluable, internationally recognized, personal development program, which is a great addition to any young person’s C.V. The experiences pupils gain and the skills they learn can help them stand out from the crowd and be successful in university, college, apprenticeship and employment applications.

Wemms has a thriving Duke of Edinburgh Award community with pupils able to the complete the full Duke of Edinburgh Award pathway – from Bronze in Year 9, through Silver in Year 10 and onto Gold in Year 12. This means It is possible for pupils to complete the full Duke of Edinburgh Award pathway during their time at Wemms.