01372 276499
Woodstock House, Woodstock Lane North, Long Ditton, Surrey KT6 5HN

Igniting the spark of genius in every child

We Create a Nurturing Environment

for Each Child

Meet our Trustees

Our Trustees work together to provide:

  • strategic leadership – defining the vision, fostering the school’s culture and setting the strategy
  • accountability and assurance – robust and effective oversight of school operations and performance
  • engagement – strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders, ensuring decision-making is supported by meaningful engagement.

– The full Board meet 6 times a year (once every half term).
– The sub committees meet 3 times a year (once every term).


Wemms Education Centre

Megan Booth
– Trustee & Chair

Megan is a qualified teacher and is passionate about ensuring an inclusive education for all. She has experience of teaching in a mainstream secondary school as well as working as a Head of Year/Pastoral Lead with responsibility for over 200 pupils. Until recently Megan has worked for SOS! SEN and continues to volunteer for them. She develops and delivers training on neurodivergence and is currently undertaking a masters in ‘Special & Inclusive Education – Autism’.

As a member of various working groups at Surrey County Council, Megan is helping to develop the council’s new EBSNA support and is in the All-Age Autism Strategy Reference Group where they are developing the LA’s position statement on PDA. She has been directly involved in delivering PDA training to schools and social workers.

Megan is AuDHD and a parent to three neurodivergent children.