01372 276499
Woodstock House, Woodstock Lane North, Long Ditton, Surrey KT6 5HN

Wemms residential trip 2021

Wemms residential trip 2021

Friday, 21 January, 2022

As part of the enrichment programme offered at Wemms, forty staff and fifty-five students left Leatherhead behind and departed for Devon to enjoy a week of sport and craft-based activities at the wonderful Manor House Hotel. Muscles were used during the sporting activities that many had not been aware of for some time, as well as for adorning the faces of all with smiles and laughter throughout the course of our stay.

The craft activities provided the opportunity for staff and students alike to create some beautiful memories and gifts for friends and family, all of which were created with love, passion and enthusiasm. The sporting activities provided some much-needed time to blow away the cobwebs and burn off some energy, with games including pickle ball which had never been played before, but proved to be a firm favourite.

The opportunity for staff and students to build new bonds, and improve on existing relationships was so extremely important throughout the course of the trip, and watching the growth in confidence, maturity and newly learned skills across the entire group was a wonder to behold.

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